Source code for xs1_api_client.api

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This is the main xs1_api_client api which contains the XS1 object to interact with the gateway.

Example usage can be found in the file

import json
import logging

import requests

from . import api_constants
from .device.actuator.base import XS1Actuator
from .device.actuator.switch import XS1Switch
from .device.sensor.base import XS1Sensor

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# global config data
HOST = ''
USER = ''

[docs]class XS1: """ This class is the main api interface that handles all communication with the XS1 gateway. """ def __init__(self, host: str = None, user: str = None, password: str = None): """ Creates a new api object. If no arguments are passed the global (shared) connection configuration will be used. Otherwise the connection info will only be used for this XS1 instance. :param host: host address of the gateway :param user: username for authentication :param password: password for authentication """ if not host and not user and not password: self._use_global_config = True else: self._use_global_config = False self._host = host self._user = user self._password = password self._config_info = None self.update_config_info() @staticmethod
[docs] def set_global_connection_info(host, user, password): """ Sets the global connection info. This initialization is valid for all XS1 instances that do not have a specific connection configuration upon instantiation or using the set_connection_info() method. If you want a XS1 instance to use the global info instead of private use the use_global_connection_info() method. :param host: host address the gateway can be found at :param user: username for authentication :param password: password for authentication """ global HOST global USER global PASSWORD HOST = str(host) USER = str(user) PASSWORD = str(password)
[docs] def set_connection_info(self, host, user, password): """ Sets private connection info for this XS1 instance. This XS1 instance will also immediately use this connection info. :param host: host address the gateway can be found at :param user: username for authentication :param password: password for authentication """ self._use_global_config = False self._host = host self._user = user self._password = password self.update_config_info()
[docs] def use_global_connection_info(self): """ Enables the use of global configuration data """ self._use_global_config = True self.update_config_info() # update device info
[docs] def send_request(self, command, *parameters): """ Sends a GET request to the XS1 Gateway and returns the response as a JSON object. :param command: command parameter for the URL (see api_constants) :param parameters: additional parameters needed for the specified command like 'number=3' (without any '&' symbol) :return: the api response as a json object """ # decide if global or local configuration should be used if self._use_global_config is True: host = HOST user = USER password = PASSWORD else: host = self._host user = self._user password = self._password # create request url request_url = 'http://' + host + '/control?callback=callback' if user and password: request_url += '&' + api_constants.URL_PARAM_USER + user + '&' + api_constants.URL_PARAM_PASSWORD + password request_url += '&' + api_constants.URL_PARAM_COMMAND + command # append any additional parameters for parameter in parameters: request_url += '&' + parameter"request_url: " + request_url) # make request response = requests.get(request_url, auth=(user, password)) response_text = response.text # .encode('utf-8') response_text = response_text[ response_text.index('{'):response_text.rindex('}') + 1] # cut out valid json response response_dict = json.loads(response_text) # convert to json object if api_constants.NODE_ERROR in response_dict: raise Exception(api_constants.ERROR_CODES[response_dict[api_constants.NODE_ERROR]] + str(parameters)) else: return response_dict
[docs] def get_protocol_info(self): """ Retrieves the protocol version that is used by the gateway :return: protocol version number """ response = self.send_request(self, api_constants.COMMAND_GET_PROTOCOL_INFO) return response[api_constants.NODE_VERSION]
[docs] def update_config_info(self): """ Retrieves gateway specific (and immutable) configuration data """ self._config_info = self.send_request(api_constants.COMMAND_GET_CONFIG_INFO)
[docs] def get_gateway_name(self): """ :return: the hostname of the gateway """ return self._config_info[api_constants.NODE_INFO][api_constants.NODE_DEVICE_NAME]
[docs] def get_gateway_hardware_version(self): """ :return: the hardware version number of the gateway """ return self._config_info[api_constants.NODE_INFO][api_constants.NODE_DEVICE_HARDWARE_VERSION]
[docs] def get_gateway_bootloader_version(self): """ :return: the bootloader version number of the gateway """ return self._config_info[api_constants.NODE_INFO][api_constants.NODE_DEVICE_BOOTLOADER_VERSION]
[docs] def get_gateway_firmware_version(self): """ :return: the firmware version number of the gateway """ return self._config_info[api_constants.NODE_INFO][api_constants.NODE_DEVICE_FIRMWARE_VERSION]
[docs] def get_gateway_uptime(self): """ :return: the uptime of the gateway in seconds """ return self._config_info[api_constants.NODE_INFO][api_constants.NODE_DEVICE_UPTIME]
[docs] def get_gateway_mac(self): """ :return: the mac address of the gateway """ return self._config_info[api_constants.NODE_INFO][api_constants.NODE_DEVICE_MAC]
[docs] def get_all_actuators(self): """ Requests the list of enabled actuators from the gateway. :return: a list of XS1Actuator objects """ response = self.send_request(api_constants.COMMAND_GET_LIST_ACTUATORS) actuators = [] if api_constants.NODE_ACTUATOR in response: # create actuator objects for actuator in response[api_constants.NODE_ACTUATOR]: if (actuator[api_constants.NODE_PARAM_TYPE] == api_constants.ACTUATOR_TYPE_SWITCH) or ( actuator[api_constants.NODE_PARAM_TYPE] == api_constants.ACTUATOR_TYPE_DIMMER): device = XS1Switch(actuator, self) else: device = XS1Actuator(actuator, self) if not device.enabled(): continue actuators.append(device) return actuators
[docs] def get_all_sensors(self): """ Requests the list of enabled sensors from the gateway. :return: list of XS1Sensor objects """ response = self.send_request(api_constants.COMMAND_GET_LIST_SENSORS) sensors = [] if api_constants.NODE_SENSOR in response: for sensor in response[api_constants.NODE_SENSOR]: device = XS1Sensor(sensor, self) if device.enabled(): sensors.append(device) return sensors
[docs] def get_state_actuator(self, actuator_id): """ Gets the current state of the specified actuator. :param actuator_id: actuator id :return: the api response as a dict """ return self.send_request(api_constants.COMMAND_GET_STATE_ACTUATOR, api_constants.URL_PARAM_NUMBER + str(actuator_id))
[docs] def get_state_sensor(self, sensor_id): """ Gets the current state of the specified sensor. :param sensor_id: sensor id :return: the api response as a dict """ return self.send_request(api_constants.COMMAND_GET_STATE_SENSOR, api_constants.URL_PARAM_NUMBER + str(sensor_id))
[docs] def call_actuator_function(self, actuator_id, function): """ Executes a function on the specified actuator and sets the response on the passed in actuator. :param actuator_id: actuator id to execute the function on and set response value :param function: id of the function to execute :return: the api response """ return self.send_request(api_constants.COMMAND_SET_STATE_ACTUATOR, api_constants.URL_PARAM_NUMBER + str(actuator_id), api_constants.URL_PARAM_FUNCTION + str(function))
[docs] def set_actuator_value(self, actuator_id, value): """ Sets a new value for the specified actuator. :param actuator_id: actuator id to set the new value on :param value: the new value to set on the specified actuator :return: the api response """ return self.send_request(api_constants.COMMAND_SET_STATE_ACTUATOR, api_constants.URL_PARAM_NUMBER + str(actuator_id), api_constants.URL_PARAM_VALUE + str(value))
[docs] def set_sensor_value(self, sensor_id, value): """ Sets a new value for the specified sensor. WARNING: Only use this for "virtual" sensors or for debugging! :param sensor_id: sensor id to set the new value on :param value: the new value to set on the specified sensor :return: the api response """ return self.send_request(api_constants.COMMAND_SET_STATE_SENSOR, api_constants.URL_PARAM_NUMBER + str(sensor_id), api_constants.URL_PARAM_VALUE + str(value))