xs1_api_client package


xs1_api_client.api module

This is the main xs1_api_client api which contains the XS1 object to interact with the gateway.

Example usage can be found in the example.py file

class xs1_api_client.api.XS1(host: str = None, user: str = None, password: str = None) → None[source]

Bases: object

This class is the main api interface that handles all communication with the XS1 gateway.

call_actuator_function(actuator_id, function) → dict[source]

Executes a function on the specified actuator and sets the response on the passed in actuator.

  • actuator_id – actuator id to execute the function on and set response value
  • function – id of the function to execute

the api response

get_actuator(actuator_id: int) → xs1_api_client.device.actuator.XS1Actuator[source]

Get an actuator with a specific id :param actuator_id: the id of the actuator :return: XS1Actuator

get_all_actuators(enabled: bool = None) → [<class 'xs1_api_client.device.actuator.XS1Actuator'>][source]

Requests the list of enabled actuators from the gateway.

Returns:a list of XS1Actuator objects
get_all_sensors(enabled: bool = None) → [<class 'xs1_api_client.device.sensor.XS1Sensor'>][source]

Requests the list of enabled sensors from the gateway.

Returns:list of XS1Sensor objects
get_config_actuator(actuator_id: int) → dict[source]
Returns:the configuration of a specific actuator
get_config_main() → dict[source]
Returns:main configuration of the XS1
get_config_sensor(sensor_id: int) → dict[source]
Returns:the configuration of a specific sensor
get_gateway_bootloader_version() → str[source]
Returns:the bootloader version number of the gateway
get_gateway_firmware_version() → str[source]
Returns:the firmware version number of the gateway
get_gateway_hardware_version() → str[source]
Returns:the hardware version number of the gateway
get_gateway_mac() → str[source]
Returns:the mac address of the gateway
get_gateway_name() → str[source]
Returns:the hostname of the gateway
get_gateway_uptime() → str[source]
Returns:the uptime of the gateway in seconds
get_list_functions() → list[source]
Returns:a list of available functions / actions for actuators
get_list_systems() → list[source]
Returns:a list of currently compatible systems
get_protocol_info() → str[source]

Retrieves the protocol version that is used by the gateway

Returns:protocol version number
get_sensor(sensor_id: int) → xs1_api_client.device.sensor.XS1Sensor[source]

Get a sensor with a specific id :param sensor_id: the id of the actuator :return: XS1Sensor

get_state_actuator(actuator_id) → dict[source]

Gets the current state of the specified actuator.

Parameters:actuator_id – actuator id
Returns:the api response as a dict
get_state_sensor(sensor_id) → dict[source]

Gets the current state of the specified sensor.

Parameters:sensor_id – sensor id
Returns:the api response as a dict
get_types_actuators() → list[source]
Returns:a list of compatible actuators
get_types_sensors() → list[source]
Returns:a list of compatible sensors
send_request(command: xs1_api_client.api_constants.Command, parameters: dict = None) → dict[source]

Sends a GET request to the XS1 Gateway and returns the response as a JSON object.

  • command – command parameter for the URL (see api_constants)
  • parameters – additional parameters needed for the specified command like ‘number=3’ passed in as a dictionary

the api response as a json object

set_actuator_value(actuator_id, value) → dict[source]

Sets a new value for the specified actuator.

  • actuator_id – actuator id to set the new value on
  • value – the new value to set on the specified actuator

the api response

set_config_actuator(actuator_id: int, configuration: dict) → dict[source]
Returns:the configuration of a specific actuator
set_config_sensor(sensor_id: int, configuration: dict) → dict[source]
Returns:the configuration of a specific actuator
set_connection_info(host, user, password) → None[source]

Sets private connection info for this XS1 instance. This XS1 instance will also immediately use this connection info.

  • host – host address the gateway can be found at
  • user – username for authentication
  • password – password for authentication
set_sensor_value(sensor_id, value) → dict[source]

Sets a new value for the specified sensor. WARNING: Only use this for “virtual” sensors or for debugging!

  • sensor_id – sensor id to set the new value on
  • value – the new value to set on the specified sensor

the api response

update_config_info() → None[source]

Retrieves gateway specific (and immutable) configuration data

xs1_api_client.api_constants module

XS1 HTTP Web API constants used to create GET request URLs and parse the JSON answer.

class xs1_api_client.api_constants.ActuatorType[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

Actuator types

BLIND = 'blind'
DIMMER = 'dimmer'
DISABLED = 'disabled'
DOOR = 'door'
SHUTTER = 'shutter'
SOUND = 'sound'
SUN_BLIND = 'sun-blind'
SWITCH = 'switch'
TEMPERATURE = 'temperature'
TIMERSWITCH = 'timerswitch'
WINDOW = 'window'
class xs1_api_client.api_constants.Command[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

XS1 Web API (HTTP) commands

GET_CONFIG_ACTUATOR = 'get_config_actuator'

Command to get the configuration of an actuator

GET_CONFIG_INFO = 'get_config_info'

Command to get (final) configuration information about the XS1

GET_CONFIG_MAIN = 'get_config_main'

Command to get additional configuration information about the XS1

GET_CONFIG_SENSOR = 'get_config_sensor'

Command to get the configuration of a sensor

GET_LIST_ACTUATORS = 'get_list_actuators'

Command to get a list of all actuators

GET_LIST_FUNCTIONS = 'get_list_functions'

Returns a list of available functions / actions for actuators

GET_LIST_RFMODES = 'get_list_rfmodes'

Returns a list of currently active and compatible RF modes of the XS1

GET_LIST_SENSORS = 'get_list_sensors'

Command to get a list of all sensors

GET_LIST_SYSTEMS = 'get_list_systems'

Returns a list of currently compatible systems

GET_PROTOCOL_INFO = 'get_protocol_info'

Command to get information about the protocol version used by the XS1

GET_STATE_ACTUATOR = 'get_state_actuator'

Command to get the state of a specific actuator

GET_STATE_SENSOR = 'get_state_sensor'

Command to get the state of a specific sensor

GET_TYPES_ACTUATORS = 'get_types_actuators'

Retrieves the types of compatible actuators

GET_TYPES_SENSORS = 'get_types_sensors'

Retrieves the types of compatible sensors

SET_CONFIG_ACTUATOR = 'set_config_actuator'

Command to set the configuration of an actuator

SET_CONFIG_SENSOR = 'set_config_sensor'

Command to set the configuration of a sensor

SET_STATE_ACTUATOR = 'set_state_actuator'

Command to set a new value on an actuator

SET_STATE_SENSOR = 'set_state_sensor'

Command to set a new value on a sensor (for debugging)

class xs1_api_client.api_constants.ErrorCode[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

Error codes


Error code for ‘cmd type missing’


Error code for ‘duplicate name’


Error code for ‘invalid command’


Error code for ‘invalid date/time’


Error code for ‘invalid function’


Error code for ‘invalid system’


Error code for ‘error time range’

NOT_FOUND = '03'

Error code for ‘number/name not found’


Error code for ‘object not found’


Error code for ‘protocol version mismatch’


Error code for ‘syntax error’


Error code for ‘type not virtual’

static get_message(error_code) → str[source]
class xs1_api_client.api_constants.FunctionType[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

Function types

ABSOLUT = 'absolut'
AUTO = 'auto'
BLIND_ABS = 'blind_abs'
BUTTON_LONG = 'button_long'
BUTTON_SHORT = 'button_short'
DIM_ABSOLUT = 'dim_absolut'
DIM_DOWN = 'dim_down'
DIM_UP = 'dim_up'
DISABLED = 'disabled'
IMPULS = 'impuls'
LEARN = 'learn'
LONG_OFF = 'long_off'
LONG_ON = 'long_on'
MANUAL = 'manual'
OFF = 'off'
OFF_WAIT_OFF = 'off_wait_off'
OFF_WAIT_ON = 'off_wait_on'
ON = 'on'
ON_WAIT_OFF = 'on_wait_off'
ON_WAIT_ON = 'on_wait_on'
RELATIVE = 'relative'
SPECIAL = 'special'
STOP = 'stop'
TOGGLE = 'toggle'
UNKNOWN = 'unknown'
WAIT = 'wait'
class xs1_api_client.api_constants.Node[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

JSON API nodes

ACTUATOR = 'actuator'

Node with an array of actuators


Bootloader version number


Firmware version number


Hardware revision

DEVICE_MAC = 'mac'

MAC address

DEVICE_NAME = 'devicename'


DEVICE_UPTIME = 'uptime'

Uptime in seconds

ERROR = 'error'

Node containing the error code

FUNCTION = 'function'

Node with an array of functions

INFO = 'info'

Node with gateway specific information


Device description

PARAM_FUNCTION = 'function'

Array of functions

PARAM_ID = 'id'

Device id (only unique within actuators/sensors)

PARAM_NAME = 'name'

Device name

PARAM_NEW_VALUE = 'newvalue'

New value to set for the device

PARAM_NUMBER = 'number'

Alternative device id (only unique within actuators/sensors)

PARAM_TYPE = 'type'

Device type

PARAM_UNIT = 'unit'

Device value unit

PARAM_UTIME = 'utime'

Time this device was last updated

PARAM_VALUE = 'value'

Current device value

SENSOR = 'sensor'

Node with an array of sensors

SYSTEM = 'system'

Node with gateway main configuration

VERSION = 'version'

Node with protocol version info

class xs1_api_client.api_constants.SensorType[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

Sensor types

AIR_QUALITY = 'air_quality'
ALARMMAT = 'alarmmat'
BAROMETER = 'barometer'
COUNTER = 'counter'
COUNTERDIFF = 'counterdiff'
DISABLED = 'disabled'
DOORBELL = 'doorbell'
DOOROPEN = 'dooropen'
FENCEDETECTOR = 'fencedetector'
GAS_BUTAN = 'gas_butan'
GAS_CO = 'gas_co'
GAS_CONSUMP = 'gas_consump'
GAS_METHAN = 'gas_methan'
GAS_PEAK = 'gas_peak'
GAS_PROPAN = 'gas_propan'
HEATDETECTOR = 'heatdetector'
HYGROMETER = 'hygrometer'
LEAFWETNESS = 'leafwetness'
LIGHT = 'light'
LIGHTBARRIER = 'lightbarrier'
MAIL = 'mail'
MOTION = 'motion'
OIL_CONSUMP = 'oil_consump'
OIL_PEAK = 'oil_peak'
OTHER = 'other'
PRESENCE = 'presence'
PWR_CONSUMP = 'pwr_consump'
PWR_PEAK = 'pwr_peak'
PYRANOMETER = 'pyranometer'
RAIN = 'rain'
RAININTENSITY = 'rainintensity'
RAIN_1H = 'rain_1h'
RAIN_24H = 'rain_24h'
REMOTECONTROL = 'remotecontrol'
SMOKEDETECTOR = 'smokedetector'
SOILMOISTURE = 'soilmoisture'
SOILTEMP = 'soiltemp'
TEMPERATURE = 'temperature'
UV_INDEX = 'uv_index'
WATERDETECTOR = 'waterdetector'
WATERLEVEL = 'waterlevel'
WINDDIRECTION = 'winddirection'
WINDGUST = 'windgust'
WINDOWBREAK = 'windowbreak'
WINDOWOPEN = 'windowopen'
WINDSPEED = 'windspeed'
WINDVARIANCE = 'windvariance'
WTR_CONSUMP = 'wtr_consump'
WTR_PEAK = 'wtr_peak'
class xs1_api_client.api_constants.SystemType[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

AB400 = 'ab400'
AB500 = 'ab500'
AB601 = 'ab601'
BGJ = 'bgj'
BSQUIGG = 'bsquigg'
EM = 'em'
FA20RF = 'fa20rf'
FC1 = 'fc1'
FHT = 'fht'
FS10 = 'fs10'
FS20 = 'fs20'
HE = 'he'
HMS = 'hms'
IT = 'it'
IT2 = 'it2'
MARMI = 'marmi'
OASEFM = 'oasefm'
REV = 'rev'
RGBLED1 = 'rgbled1'
RS200 = 'rs200'
RS862 = 'rs862'
RSL = 'rsl'
SCHALK = 'schalk'
VENT831 = 'vent831'
VIRTUAL = 'virtual'
WAREMA = 'warema'
WMR200 = 'wmr200'
WS300 = 'ws300'
WS433 = 'ws433'
xs1_api_client.api_constants.UNIT_BOOLEAN = 'boolean'

Boolean unit type

class xs1_api_client.api_constants.UrlParam[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

URL parameters

ADDRESS = 'address'
COMMAND = 'cmd'

command parameter that specifies the method the api is queried with

FACTOR = 'factor'
FUNCTION = 'function'

parameter that specifies the function to execute (on an actuator)

FUNCTION1_DSC = 'function1.dsc'
FUNCTION1_TYPE = 'function1.type'
FUNCTION2_DSC = 'function2.dsc'
FUNCTION2_TYPE = 'function2.type'
FUNCTION3_DSC = 'function3.dsc'
FUNCTION3_TYPE = 'function3.type'
FUNCTION4_DSC = 'function4.dsc'
FUNCTION4_TYPE = 'function4.type'
INITVALUE = 'initvalue'
LOG = 'log'
NAME = 'name'
NUMBER = 'number'

number parameter that specifies the id of an actuator or sensor

OFFSET = 'offset'
PASSWORD = 'pwd'

‘Password’ parameter

SYSTEM = 'system'
TYPE = 'type'
USER = 'user'

‘User’ parameter

VALUE = 'value'

‘value’ parameter that specifies the new value to set an actuator (or sensor) to

xs1_api_client.api_constants.VALUE_DISABLED = 'disabled'

‘Disabled’ type

Module contents