Source code for xs1_api_client.api

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This is the main xs1_api_client api which contains the XS1 object to interact with the gateway.

Example usage can be found in the file

import json
import logging

import requests
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from urllib3.util.retry import Retry

from xs1_api_client.api_constants import UrlParam, Command, Node, ActuatorType, ErrorCode, FunctionType
from xs1_api_client.device.actuator import XS1Actuator
from xs1_api_client.device.actuator.switch import XS1Switch
from xs1_api_client.device.sensor import XS1Sensor

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class XS1: """ This class is the main api interface that handles all communication with the XS1 gateway. """ # setup retry and backoff strategy RETRY_STRATEGY = Retry(total=5, backoff_factor=0.1, status_forcelist=[500, 502, 503, 504]) def __init__(self, host: str = None, user: str = None, password: str = None) -> None: """ Creates a new api object. :param host: host address of the gateway :param user: username for authentication :param password: password for authentication """ self._host = None self._user = None self._password = None self._config_info = None self.set_connection_info(host, user, password)
[docs] def set_connection_info(self, host, user, password) -> None: """ Sets private connection info for this XS1 instance. This XS1 instance will also immediately use this connection info. :param host: host address the gateway can be found at :param user: username for authentication :param password: password for authentication """ self._host = host self._user = user self._password = password self.update_config_info()
[docs] def send_request(self, command: Command, parameters: dict = None) -> dict: """ Sends a GET request to the XS1 Gateway and returns the response as a JSON object. :param command: command parameter for the URL (see api_constants) :param parameters: additional parameters needed for the specified command like 'number=3' passed in as a dictionary :return: the api response as a json object """ host = self._host user = self._user password = self._password # create request url request_url = 'http://' + host + '/control?callback=callback' # append credentials, if any if user and password: request_url += '&' + UrlParam.USER.value + '=' + user + '&' + UrlParam.PASSWORD.value + '=' + password # append command to execute if isinstance(command, Command): command = command.value elif isinstance(command, str): command = str(command) else: raise ValueError("Invalid command type! Must be a Command enum constant or a string!") request_url += '&' + UrlParam.COMMAND.value + '=' + command # append any additional parameters if parameters: for key, value in parameters.items(): if isinstance(key, UrlParam): key = key.value else: key = str(key) # append parameter to request url if key == UrlParam.FUNCTION.value and isinstance(value, list): for idx, func in enumerate(value): function_type = func["type"] if isinstance(function_type, FunctionType): function_type = function_type.value request_url += '&function%d.type=%s' % (idx + 1, function_type) request_url += '&function%d.dsc=%s' % (idx + 1, func["dsc"]) else: request_url += '&' + key + '=' + str(value)"request_url: " + request_url) # create session session = requests.Session() session.mount('http://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=self.RETRY_STRATEGY)) # make request response = session.get(request_url, auth=(user, password)) response_text = response.text # .encode('utf-8') response_text_json = response_text[ response_text.index('{'):response_text.rindex('}') + 1] # cut out valid json response response_dict = json.loads(response_text_json) # convert to json object error = self._get_node_value(response_dict, Node.ERROR) if error: try: error_code = ErrorCode(error) error_message = ErrorCode.get_message(error_code) except ValueError: error_code = "UNKNOWN" error_message = "Unknown error code " + str(error) parameters_message = "" if parameters: for key, value in parameters.items(): parameters_message += str(key) + "=" + str(value) + ", " raise Exception( str(error_code) + ": " + error_message + " while trying to execute " + str(command) + " with " + parameters_message[:-2]) else: return response_dict
[docs] def get_protocol_info(self) -> str: """ Retrieves the protocol version that is used by the gateway :return: protocol version number """ response = self.send_request(Command.GET_PROTOCOL_INFO) return self._get_node_value(response, Node.VERSION)
[docs] def update_config_info(self) -> None: """ Retrieves gateway specific (and immutable) configuration data """ self._config_info = self.send_request(Command.GET_CONFIG_INFO)
[docs] def get_config_main(self) -> dict: """ :return: main configuration of the XS1 """ response = self.send_request(Command.GET_CONFIG_MAIN) return self._get_node_value(response, "main")
[docs] def get_list_systems(self) -> list: """ :return: a list of currently compatible systems """ response = self.send_request(Command.GET_LIST_SYSTEMS) return self._get_node_value(response, Node.SYSTEM)
[docs] def get_list_functions(self) -> list: """ :return: a list of available functions / actions for actuators """ response = self.send_request(Command.GET_LIST_FUNCTIONS) return self._get_node_value(response, Node.FUNCTION)
[docs] def get_types_actuators(self) -> list: """ :return: a list of compatible actuators """ response = self.send_request(Command.GET_TYPES_ACTUATORS) return self._get_node_value(response, "actuatortype")
[docs] def get_types_sensors(self) -> list: """ :return: a list of compatible sensors """ response = self.send_request(Command.GET_TYPES_SENSORS) return self._get_node_value(response, "sensortype")
[docs] def get_config_actuator(self, actuator_id: int) -> dict: """ :return: the configuration of a specific actuator """ response = self.send_request(Command.GET_CONFIG_ACTUATOR, {UrlParam.NUMBER: actuator_id}) return self._get_node_value(response, Node.ACTUATOR)
[docs] def set_config_actuator(self, actuator_id: int, configuration: dict) -> dict: """ :return: the configuration of a specific actuator """ configuration[UrlParam.NUMBER.value] = actuator_id response = self.send_request(Command.SET_CONFIG_ACTUATOR, configuration) return self._get_node_value(response, Node.ACTUATOR)
[docs] def get_config_sensor(self, sensor_id: int) -> dict: """ :return: the configuration of a specific sensor """ response = self.send_request(Command.GET_CONFIG_SENSOR, {UrlParam.NUMBER: sensor_id}) return self._get_node_value(response, Node.SENSOR)
[docs] def set_config_sensor(self, sensor_id: int, configuration: dict) -> dict: """ :return: the configuration of a specific actuator """ configuration[UrlParam.NUMBER.value] = sensor_id response = self.send_request(Command.SET_CONFIG_SENSOR, configuration) return self._get_node_value(response, Node.SENSOR)
[docs] def get_gateway_name(self) -> str: """ :return: the hostname of the gateway """ return self._get_config_info_value(Node.DEVICE_NAME)
[docs] def get_gateway_hardware_version(self) -> str: """ :return: the hardware version number of the gateway """ return self._get_config_info_value(Node.DEVICE_HARDWARE_VERSION)
[docs] def get_gateway_bootloader_version(self) -> str: """ :return: the bootloader version number of the gateway """ return self._get_config_info_value(Node.DEVICE_BOOTLOADER_VERSION)
[docs] def get_gateway_firmware_version(self) -> str: """ :return: the firmware version number of the gateway """ return self._get_config_info_value(Node.DEVICE_FIRMWARE_VERSION)
[docs] def get_gateway_uptime(self) -> str: """ :return: the uptime of the gateway in seconds """ return self._get_config_info_value(Node.DEVICE_UPTIME)
[docs] def get_gateway_mac(self) -> str: """ :return: the mac address of the gateway """ return self._get_config_info_value(Node.DEVICE_MAC)
def _get_config_info_value(self, node: Node): return self._config_info[Node.INFO.value][node.value]
[docs] def get_actuator(self, actuator_id: int) -> XS1Actuator or None: """ Get an actuator with a specific id :param actuator_id: the id of the actuator :return: XS1Actuator """ all_actuators = self.get_all_actuators() for actuator in all_actuators: if == actuator_id: return actuator return None
[docs] def get_all_actuators(self, enabled: bool or None = None) -> [XS1Actuator]: """ Requests the list of enabled actuators from the gateway. :param enabled: :return: a list of XS1Actuator objects """ response = self.send_request(Command.GET_LIST_ACTUATORS) all_actuators = [] # create actuator objects for actuator in self._get_node_value(response, Node.ACTUATOR): if (self._get_node_value(actuator, Node.PARAM_TYPE) == ActuatorType.SWITCH) or ( self._get_node_value(actuator, Node.PARAM_TYPE) == ActuatorType.DIMMER ): device = XS1Switch(actuator, self) else: device = XS1Actuator(actuator, self) all_actuators.append(device) if enabled is None: return all_actuators else: filtered_actuators = [] for actuator in all_actuators: if actuator.enabled() != enabled: continue filtered_actuators.append(actuator) return filtered_actuators
[docs] def get_sensor(self, sensor_id: int) -> XS1Sensor or None: """ Get a sensor with a specific id :param sensor_id: the id of the actuator :return: XS1Sensor """ all_sensors = self.get_all_sensors() for sensor in all_sensors: if == sensor_id: return sensor return None
[docs] def get_all_sensors(self, enabled: bool or None = None) -> [XS1Sensor]: """ Requests the list of enabled sensors from the gateway. :return: list of XS1Sensor objects """ response = self.send_request(Command.GET_LIST_SENSORS) all_sensors = [] for sensor in self._get_node_value(response, Node.SENSOR): device = XS1Sensor(sensor, self) all_sensors.append(device) if enabled is None: return all_sensors else: filtered_sensors = [] for sensor in all_sensors: if sensor.enabled() != enabled: continue filtered_sensors.append(sensor) return filtered_sensors
[docs] def get_state_actuator(self, actuator_id) -> dict: """ Gets the current state of the specified actuator. :param actuator_id: actuator id :return: the api response as a dict """ return self.send_request(Command.GET_STATE_ACTUATOR, {UrlParam.NUMBER: actuator_id})
[docs] def get_state_sensor(self, sensor_id) -> dict: """ Gets the current state of the specified sensor. :param sensor_id: sensor id :return: the api response as a dict """ return self.send_request(Command.GET_STATE_SENSOR, { UrlParam.NUMBER: sensor_id, })
[docs] def call_actuator_function(self, actuator_id, function) -> dict: """ Executes a function on the specified actuator and sets the response on the passed in actuator. :param actuator_id: actuator id to execute the function on and set response value :param function: id of the function to execute :return: the api response """ return self.send_request(Command.SET_STATE_ACTUATOR, { UrlParam.NUMBER: actuator_id, UrlParam.FUNCTION: function })
[docs] def set_actuator_value(self, actuator_id, value) -> dict: """ Sets a new value for the specified actuator. :param actuator_id: actuator id to set the new value on :param value: the new value to set on the specified actuator :return: the api response """ return self.send_request(Command.SET_STATE_ACTUATOR, { UrlParam.NUMBER: actuator_id, UrlParam.VALUE: value })
[docs] def set_sensor_value(self, sensor_id, value) -> dict: """ Sets a new value for the specified sensor. WARNING: Only use this for "virtual" sensors or for debugging! :param sensor_id: sensor id to set the new value on :param value: the new value to set on the specified sensor :return: the api response """ return self.send_request(Command.SET_STATE_SENSOR, { UrlParam.NUMBER: sensor_id, UrlParam.VALUE: value })
def _get_node_value(self, dictionary: dict, node: Node or str) -> any: """ :param dictionary: the dictionary for lookup :param node: the node to retrieve the value for :return: the value of this node or None if it doesn't exist """ if isinstance(node, Node): node_name = node.value else: node_name = str(node) return dictionary.get(node_name)